wild wood

wild wood

Thursday, 31 July 2014


 up the top the pine marten, but is it him down at the bowl?
La martre ici, mais est ce que c'est la même en bas au bol?

 Maybe a cat
peut-être un chat

 A bird
un oiseaux

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

the hare was there and bathtime for the robin

 The hare is still around
Le lièvre est toujours dans les parages

 Bath time for the robin
L'heure du bain pour le rougegorge

 Flowers and fruits
Des fleurs et des fruits

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

a jay a wood pecker and a nuthatch

 A jay a green woodpecker and a nuthatch took turns at the bowl 
Un geai un pic vert et un torchepot, chaque un son tour

 the hunting dog followed me again but was not captured by the third camera
Le chien de chasse ma suvi encore

Monday, 28 July 2014

birds and a cyclist

 A robin a pigeon and a cyclist
Un rouge gorge un pigeon et un cyclist

 The girafe has a long neck
Le cou d'un girafe est très long
 Dry allready
Deja sec
Des fleurs

Sunday, 27 July 2014

The pine marten and the hare stayed at the top of the park

 The hare and the pine marten were up at the octopuss's garden but didn't appear on any other cameras
Le lièvre et la martre ont resté en haut du park

 The dog was picked up on two cameras
Le chien était pris par deux cameras

 Bright skies
Ciel bleu

Saturday, 26 July 2014

a bit of rain last night

A bit of rain last night, no animals despite three cameras
Un peu de pluie mais pas de photo d'animal malgrè les trois cameras

 Spider web
Toile d'araignée
 Puddle filled up
Flaque rempli d'eau